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Monday, March 9, 2009

USA Economy Falls off a Cliff ? Warren Buffet States on CNBC ! Watch Here for free !


Penny Stock Plays said...

The finances of state and local goverments are a basket case. These local governments will soon be forced to begin selling of assets. Most likly their prime real estate assets to raise the money needed to fund their underfunded or should I say unfunded pension and healthcare plans for retired and current employees.Some of the fifty staes are in far worse shape than the federal governments finances.

Penny Stock Plays said...

The finances of state and local goverments are a basket case. These local governments will soon be forced to begin selling of assets. Most likly their prime real estate assets to raise the money needed to fund their underfunded or should I say unfunded pension and healthcare plans for retired and current employees.Some of the fifty staes are in far worse shape than the federal governments finances.

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